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Brittany: Speaker  0:03 


Hi, this is Brittany Welton, and you're listening to the sports nutrition podcast. On today's episode, we will be discussing protein. Protein is a macronutrient that is required by our body to function and to go through certain processes. There are two main ways that you can consume protein either by food sources or by supplementation. If consuming by supplementation, the two most common supplements come in powder form, and it is way, which is quick release. In case in which is slow digestion, a lot of people will have the case in protein around bedtime because it will digest slowly throughout the night. Of course, there are risks with not getting enough protein. These risks could include and they're not limited to loss of muscle mass, heal more slowly. If you obtain injuries, experience mood swings, be more likely to break bones among others. But on the upside of things, there are many many benefits. These benefits are appetite control. we embody composition management, muscle growth or maintenance, better strength, better immune function, and faster exercise recovery. But of course, the question is, how much should I consume? Well, the answer isn't as simple as you would think. But there are a few rules of thumb that will help you along the way. If you are consuming protein from a food source, you want to shoot for about 20 to 30 grams at each meal. This will allow your body to process it to process it better. And so for digest. If you're going to consume protein in supplement form, you want to shoot for no more than 80 grams per day. This may seem like a lot, but it's roughly about two shakes worth.


Brittany: Speaker  2:41 


Protein is very important component in someone's diet.


For someone who is actively in the gym, protein is a very important component and the right quantities can benefit their workout or sport. When deciding if a protein supplementation is right for you, you should always review some pros and cons. A couple of pros are that is convenience and for appetite control. Many people who have an active lifestyle are on the go constantly. So this provides the assurance of meeting their protein needs.


A few cons are the taste. Many times it can be very challenging to find a good protein powder that tastes good and also costly, depending how much you consume of protein powder. a tub of protein powder could easily go for in between 40 and $50. So depending on how much you're consuming, it can add up.



It's very important for people to have balanced diets and consume enough protein in other macro and micronutrients. Keep a lookout for my next podcast, and thank you for listening.



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